Henrique Fadoni
3 min readNov 3, 2020


Is It Worth To Be A Software Engineer / Developer in 2020?

I have been seen a lot of content out there emphasizing how great it is to be in the tech environment. However, very few people fail to actually mention the bad part of the pie. Don’t take me wrong, I love working with tech and being a programmer, I just want to show the bad stuff that most people hide under the carpet. So, this is not your usual list of PROS and CONS.

When we say the word “Developer” or “Full-Stack Developer” most people start to imagine a guy working in his PJs at home making thousands of dollars per year.

Well, while that might be true in very specific circumstances people fail to see that 90%-85% of the industry is far from that. The reality in Silicon Valley is far from the reality in other cities or countries around the world. The truth is most people will be living between $50.000,00 — $80.000,00 a year (if you are based in the US) with no bonuses, unpaid overtime, and no remote work my friend. And, the huge salaries are most likely to be in big cities where, unfortunately, the cost of living is absurd. Not so attractive right?

Besides, you will need to have a LOT of patience, mainly if you are just getting your foot on the door. Most businesses will hire Senior Software Developers just because they can and hardly ever you will see an opportunity for JUNIOR or INTERMEDIATE Developers. Based on this fact, you will be in a position where you will need to “fake until you make it”, which is not for everyone. Otherwise, you will be competing with THOUSANDS of people all over the world, especially Indian / Chinese professionals that charge $3 bucks an hour, for a position in a startup. (Don’t even get me started with startup jobs!)

Ok, if you still reading, there’s still one cold hard truth left. Please, don’t beat me up all right? “THE HIRING PROCESS”

Hiring in Tech is a nightmare for all Developers / Software Engineers, basically, you will need to do free work, “projects” / “tests”, for people that will most likely to ghost you. Oh, and just a head-up, these “small side-projects” of “1–3 hours” will actually take weeks! So, all of those accumulated projects that you did in your Github and that Portfolio will be all for nothing!

That sucks, a lot actually. Honestly, for me, it sounds like companies do not value a developer's time whatsoever. Doesn’t matter if you have a Degree, Bootcamp, or a letter from the Pope, you will eventually face those problems.

Before we conclude this terrible text, I must say there is also a xenophobic approach to international developers. As a Brazilian Full Stack Developer, I faced a LOT of discrimination, because I was Latino I got 1/3 of my co-worker's salary, I was expected to work more (seriously?), and I got tired of hearing between the walls how dispensable I was to the business. So, if you are from abroad, take care, value your time, learn how to negotiate, and get proper certification from a fancy place (Amazon or Google) or some important credential.

Well, that’s all I have to say, not everything is roses. Please, don't take this text as something set in stone, It doesn’t mean you won’t be successful as a developer or programmer in the tech world. Consider this text as a piece of friendly advice, if you just go with the flow you will be most likely stuck with the majority. So, if you end up going into tech, just starting thinking as fast as possible how you can counter those negative aspects. Some people start to freelance, others start their own development business to be taken more seriously. It doesn’t really matter, just don’t get stuck in with the majority.

